A conversation between guys, together on the journey of life and spirituality.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Blog Description

What would you guys think of adding some sort of description/caption to the blog? Maybe a long the lines of:

"A conversation between guys together on the journey of life and spirituality."


Matt said...

How about we use a cool word like "trilogue".

I'd be fine with it seeing as it won't affect readership at all. I like yours but I'd suggest just saying "A conversation between some guys on the journey of life". But whatever

DK said...

Matt, you have yet to learn the ways of blogging. Readers will come to you when you write something worth reading. But I don't blog for it to be read anyhow, so I agree.

However, if by chance someone does stumble upon the blog, it would be nice to let them know what they are looking at.

Matt said...

your comment made me laugh. I was just saying that it's not like a catchy new slogan was going to attract new readers...they're only going to see it when they're already at the site.


DK said...

It look like Nitish is quick on the draw. :)

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